The Finale

Time for a Hiatus

Welcome, Storytellers. It’s me, Dan. I’ve been your host, your tour guide, your librarian for 125 episodes. That’s 125 legendary storytellers from all walks of life (two repeat guests, but one episode with three guests – do the math). Writers, video creators (including a television show creator), podcasters, social media storytellers, poets, songwriters, business storytellers… what a journey it’s been.

This… this is the finale. I’m taking a hiatus from the act of creating new episodes to work on something else. Being that this is a hobby I do in my spare time, and I have a family and other activities—including the motorcycle I’m absolutely itching to ride—it’s time to allocate my time somewhere else for a bit.

Depending on when you’re listening to this, it’s possible that I’m back with another podcast. Or future episodes of The Storytellers Network. Who knows? But what I do know is this: I started working on this show over two and a half years ago now. It was November of 2017 that I had the idea and began the creation process. My whole idea was to have conversations with storytellers about their own stories. And my goodness… what a blessed journey it’s been.

From the very first guest to say yes—a well-known marketing author, thought leader and speaker who didn’t need my little show for exposure—to my final guest who has one of the top podcasts in the world, I’ve had the opportunity to spend an hour with some amazing humans. Many of my interviews were with storytellers with smaller platforms who were happy to get in front of you, my loyal listeners. Others brought my show to their audiences, numbering well into the seven figures.

That’s more than a million people for those who were counting on their fingers, like me.

I’ve learned that story truly is what connects us. And we’re all learning to tell our stories better. So, I want to leave you with this: Thank you. I appreciate, more than perhaps you know, each and every listener who has stopped by to hear a story.

I’ll also leave you with MY final story. In just a minute.

First, be sure to visit the-storytellers-network-com for past episodes—conversations with amazing storytellers and humans. You’ll also find links to resources to help you tell a better story, and contact information for me. Shoot me an email. Let me know what episode brought you in. I love to hear from listeners.

If I could tell one last story and be done as a storyteller, it would be the story of my blended family. It’s not always easy. What marriage is? There have even been times since my bride and I met that I’ve wondered if a second marriage with bringing two families together is the right thing. And yet despite those difficulties, I can see what an impact our blended family has on each of the people in it, and people around us.

So I would share the story of how Sonya and I met at the right time, how we put our faith in our faith and in marriage, worked hard to be a strong, caring, loving and safe home for our daughters, how we work at it every day—and sometimes come up short. But we always come back to it and we fill our home with love. And a dash of sarcasm. And somehow, we’re making an impact on our teenagers and other families. There is hope after divorce. There is hope even in despair. And there is a chance to not only survive but thrive. Our daughters are proof of that. And that would be my last story.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time, here’s to telling our stories … and having stories to tell! Cheers.

If you liked the show, please consider sharing this podcast with your friends, family and network. Your stamp of approval is more valuable than anything I can offer to your network. I appreciate your sharing! Also, leaving a review (and rating) helps spread the word. And just makes me feel warm and squishy.

 The Storytellers Network with Dan Moyle publishes every Monday at 7 AM EST.

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