In this house, we’re proud of our choice to make the world a better place.
As I begin my journey on anti-racism work, I get a lot of questions from my acquaintances, friends and family members. Most of these questions come from my White network. A fair amount come from Christian sisters and brothers. that’s fair. I’m White after all. And I’m not quiet about my faith.
I welcome these questions, whether they’re asked with genuine curiosity and a desire to learn, or they come from a place of fear and anger. I prefer the first path, but it is what it is.
This particular question came from someone with curiosity and compassion. We’ve had previous messages like this. I appreciate this person’s questions and willingness to engage with respect.
The question: Do you support the group Black Lives Matter (BLM) or are you advocating [that] Black lives matter? I can’t get behind the group BLM because of who runs it and their mission statement as they are a Marxist group. What were your thoughts on that?
My first thought is a question: Do you support police officers? Even though some have proven themselves untrustworthy through brutal acts and murder or standing by silently? If we judge BLM by a few, but don’t judge police by the few, that’s a double standard.
Here’s what I think about Black Lives Matter, the loose organization, based on conversations I’ve had with several people. So some of this is taken from those chats. I’m also including resources.
Two of the three individuals who founded Black Lives Matter held Marxist beliefs, yes. That doesn’t mean it was "founded" on Marxist beliefs. The third person involved did not hold to those same beliefs. To paint the entire organization as "founded on Marxist beliefs" taints the organization and those who support it.
Additionally, "Marxist beliefs" is a very broad descriptor. Go to your Bible. The second chapter of Acts lays out some seemingly Marxist/Communist scenarios and ideals - but the motivation for the actions is different. It's the same with Black Lives Matter, and so many other things. For instance, people often want to classify all "Christians" as a monolithic, homogeneous group based on the actions of a very few. But we know that not all Christians are the same. If you think about it, this holds true of many people who want to justify their prejudices against others.
Here’s a good resource: Article: Is Black Lives Matter Marxist?
Also the op-ed piece below explains the fallacy in “it’s a Marxist organization.” To refer to Black Lives Matter as Marxist, and by inference to the millions of people who support the cause, is a slander that plays to the deepest fears in American society. “It’s the commies and they’re here to destroy America.” It is pure propaganda of the basest sort.
Black Lives Matter exists to ensure that Black lives matter. It exists to change the societal and political dynamic that for too long has diminished, terrorized, and taken Black lives. It is a threat to the status quo, not a threat to the Republic.
Op-Ed: Black Lives Matter is Not Marxist
Plus Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was called a Marxist while he was alive up until some American murdered him. But now White America quotes him all day.
The more we talk about solving the problems that systemic racism causes the more we have to talk about how our economic systems reinforce the bad effects of racism. That's when people get nervous and that's when they whip out the "Marxism" label.
I'm fascinated by the attack BLM faces today and how familiar this must feel to Black America. It follows the same playbook as the counterattack in the late 1960s. First, label the overall movement as counter to American values: MLK was a communist, Malcolm X was an anarchist.
Here’s the problem: These attacks demonize and dehumanize the leaders. So BLM is now Satan's demonic instrument. Next step? Wait to see if the movement goes away. When it doesn’t, jail them (Angela Davis, Bobby Seale) or kill them (Martin, Malcolm).
I want to stop the abuse of power and corruption that targets people of Color. My motive and my support of this movement and group’s efforts is moral.
Back to the faith side of it. Jesus told his followers to love:
Samaritans (considered heretics)
Gentiles (considered unclean)
Lepers (considered unclean)
Was Jesus considered unclean and heretical? No.
His disciples consisted of: Tax collectors (Roman collaborators), Zealots (considered terrorists), Judas (thief and traitor), and at least one violent protester in Peter (who cut off a man's ear).
Jesus isn't condemned by the company he kept because he preached a Gospel of Love that he lived out (so did his disciples - save one).
Jesus today would be reviled as a Democratic socialist promptly shot in the face by a rubber bullet and demonized by his own followers because he wouldn't proclaim his allegiance to the right party.
I prefer to keep it simple.
I believe saying that Black lives matter isn't Marxist - it's just being a good friggin human being.
Acknowledgements: Thank you to my friends who inspired this writing. Some of it is directly from their words, which resonated deeply with me. Some of it is my own writing. It’s a good mix of some amazing humans I’ve been fortunate to surround myself with.
If you’re still reading this, please consider a couple of things next.
Visit We’re the People. We all need to vote and we all need real access to voting. It’s imperative.
Visit Next Step Coalition. This group is doing the long work of educating, equipping and engaging allies for our Black community.
Pray. I firmly believe that God believes Black lives truly matter. Pray for that to be true in America and around the world. Pray for peace, for love.
And finally, join the conversation. Find the people in your network doing the work of anti-racism and engage them with an open heart.