S3E12: Luke Rafferty, Visual Storyteller (#41)

Storytelling with Video/Film Creator Luke Rafferty

Visual Storyteller and Branded-Content Documentarian Luke Rafferty loves to tell a story. On his website, Luke Rafferty says “If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine the impact of a short film. Your organization has a story to tell. Through stunning visuals coupled with emotional narratives, we can spark a fire in the hearts of many. Together, let's tell those stories.” Sounds inspiring – and like he’s a partner in helping clients tell their stories. We talk about that, what it took to work with Make a Wish AND JetBlue – even as a small, one-person video company (there’s hope for all of us in that story) – and more.

To Luke, great stories often come from amazing experiences. Sometimes, you need to get out, see the world and experience life to its fullest.

“I was 18 at the time. The first thing that struck me was the gratitude and the love of the people. They were generous. We gave them solar panels. There was a lot of selflessness and a lot of giving... It wasn’t until the flight home that I lost it. I remember going to the bathroom on the plane and crying.” - Luke Rafferty on the power of an experience

Your Success is Directly Related to Your Relationships

Luke has taken his one-person video production company and turned it into a well-connected, successful storytelling venture. Luke has worked on major video campaigns for major brands like The Make-A-Wish Foundation, JetBlue, the Hillary Clinton campaign and others. For him, the success is built off of his relationships and his reputation.

In Luke’s experience, your work speaks for itself, but only when others are doing the talking. Once you’ve proven yourself to one client, they’ll tell someone else and so on. Your success is built on your network and your work ethic.

“They’re not going to give their business to just ‘some guy.’ They’re not going to call 1-800-make-me-a-video. They’re going to want to go with the guy who their friend … says is trustworthy.” - Luke Rafferty on building success

How Technology is Shaping Storytelling

Whether it’s the stats on video completion - a direct nod to our attention spans - or new tech like virtual reality, the things we invent can impact storytelling. As storytellers, what are we to do? How do we take on the ever evolving landscape of technology while honing our craft?

Luke says sometimes he’ll get frustrated by how “everything is changing.” His secret? Remind himself that without that change, he might not have the job he loves.

“Sometimes I have to remind myself that my job did not exist 20 years ago. Not that it was different; that the medium for which I’m working did not exist 20 years ago. So, chill that it’s changing. Because guess what? 20 years from now it might not exist either.” - Luke Rafferty on technology

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